Summer Recipes
Grill Smart Grill Lean
Choose lean cuts of meat and fresh veggies, Replace fatty beef burgers, ribs and hot dogs with boneless, skin breasts, thick fish steaks, seafood or turkey. Instead of serving greasy potato chips or mayonnaise laden salads, try serving grilled veggies like squash, peppers, onions, mushrooms or even potatoes as a side dish.
Marinated your lean meats and vegetables in citrus, olive oil or herb based marinades. Spice rubs add more flavor and less calories. Some other favorite marinade flavors are lemon or lime juice, low sodium soy sauce, honey or garlic.
The simple act of marinating before grilling has shown to reduce the formation of HCA’s (cancer causing compounds) by as much as 92-99% in some studies.
Caramelize fruits on the grill. Pineapples, bananas, peaches, and plums contain sugars that concentrate when grilled making them super sweet and tasty and lower in calories than pies, cookies and cakes.